Tuesday, July 29, 2008

'reading, 'riting and 'rithmatic...

Wow, we're leaving in 5 days...geez that one came fast! anyway, we got our new address and land line, so here's the reading...get ready for the writing and yes, it's a lot of numbers... our address is: The Browns 1702 Fm 3036 #6201 Rockport, Texas 78382 our new Land line phone # is 361-729-5077 Well, in the midst of all the packing and craziness i am frantically trying to keep up with my Little Brown Crane orders!! (a blessing...i know...) it seems as though all of the moms of little ones forgot until this past weekend to order their kids a nap mat!! SO-between SnuglyMats, my suburban being in the body shop(thanks mike...yep, he's in trouble...) and my kids thinking an empty house should be used as a playground for tag and hide and seek, it's a wonder i am still sane! (i think mike would say that the jury is still out on that...) anyway, we are super excited about all of the responses from friends who are going to visit us!! yea!! it is quite possible for us to have more friends and family visit us in Rockport in the next year than have visited Katy in the last 5!! crazy! well, we love you all and can't wait to lay out on the beaches of Rockport with you! see you soon! love, Traci

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