Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Livin' on Island Time

I LOVE that phrase! and let me tell you, people here do just that! we are absolutely loving life here in Rockport, things are slower, people are SO nice, i have a farmers market less than a mile from my door, and a beach 2 minutes away! life couldn't be more fun right now! well, in the last 2 weeks Little Brown Crane has kept our family VERY busy! I have had to recruit Mike onto box detail(for shipping) and i have threatened Blake on numerous occasions that if he doesn't stop annoying Colby for fun, he would attend sewing camp next summer instead of summer camp!! now that would be some cheap labor!! Well, i am off to sew more SnuglyMats, and enjoy my last 2 days of summer with the boys. Colby starts school Thursday, and Blake on Monday! We will have to upload some pics of Colby in his uniform-he's not too excited, but we think it's cute! He would much rather wear his favorite "guitar" shirt he likes to wear DAILY! he actually gets mad if it's still in the wash when he wakes up! I never thought I'd have such a particular kid. On a different note, the MDA telethon is coming up labor day weekend, and as some of you know my uncle Tommy has Duschene Muscular Dystrophy. It's a great opportunity for us to give to an awesome cause! Please help MDA continue it's work to cure muscular dystrophy and encourage others to help too. They are getting closer every year thanks to the generosity of you and others. My uncle breaks records every year for the amount he brings in, and his goal this year is even higher! Here's the link to his page, where you can not only learn more but donate as well!! http://www.mecke.info/mda/ Thanks!!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

We're Here!!

Whoo Hoo!! we're here and we LOVE it!! i can't believe the day finally came, it seemed like we would never move! anyway, we are here, and loving every aspect of living at the beach! We play all day in the sand, and then when i don't feel like cooking we head to one of the many restaurants on the water and eat while watching the boats come in! Ok-seriously you have to come visit, this place is great, it is officially our new family vacation spot...when we move back to real life!! Well, i'm off to cook dinner so we can head outside when it cools off, to watch the boys ride their bikes and chat with our new friends! There is another couple here from Mustang and they have 2 kids also! Their son is 4, so colby loves that! have an awesome evening, and plan your vacations, we look forward to seeing you down here! love ya!